So a question I get asked alot as a photographer ( and alot of my photographer friends get asked also) is "Why can I not have ALL of my images?" So I thought I would just write a little blog about it. There really are more than one reason, so I thought i would explain. First, not ALL of your images are the best. Yes, we are professionals, but so many things come into play when on a session. I deal primarily with little ones. And since you are probably a parent if reading this, do I need to say more? Haha. So one thing is babies as shown above, look away. They look at Mom, Dad, Aunt or Grandma and it may not be in an artistic, soulful way. Just..looking away. They blink. Parents blink. No one really wants a blinky portrait where they are looking more like Popeye then themselves. Or usually not. Kids pick their nose. Alot. Now, if it a monumentally hilarious nose picking that you love, heck, say so, you will have it included in your gallery. But you really don't need 20 nose picking images do you? Then there is the fact that I am usually shooting fairly fast with little ones. So I pick the one best out of maybe 10 of the same exact shot with probably the smallest movement if any. Then there is photographer error. Yes, I know, I am the professional. And while I try to do my best at every moment, I am human. So I may have hit a setting in the quick pace. Your sun may have changed in an instant leaving it under exposed or over exposed. I may have misjudged movement and gotten blur. It happens as much as I would hate to admit it. I also have a really fast camera so I have been known to take an image of my foot, the floor, the sky, ect. Hahaha. You get the picture. I make mistakes. So out of all those shots that I take really there are usually only 30ish great ones. I promise, I am not keeping this beautiful image of your amazing baby in my pocket. That doesn't benefit me at all. I WANT you to love your gallery. I want you to be happy and know you got the most amazing images. In the case I do have more, many of my clients know I give them on a full session. I take the time to edit them and give them. But I just don't have the time to edit them all, nor do I feel you would even want those I throw out sort of speak. The average full session gallery takes approximately 8 hours to edit. But I promise I am editing all that are something you would want. I put my mom goggles on at the first of my editing and edit away. And hey, if there is ever a session you remember a special moment you feel I captured and I didn't include it, ask me. I am always more than happy to go back over your session to make sure you receive all that you would love.